There can come a time when you’re speaking with someone over the chat lines and you realize you both know one another. You could know each other from work or through a mutual friend.
This may be awkward but it doesn’t have to be. If it’s someone you would rather not speak with and both of you know each other, just have a conversation about boundaries and come to an agreement. It sounds harder than it actually is because you and your phone friend are probably feeling the same way. So just be direct and honest and it will likely get you the results you want.
It may also be fun and perhaps funny to find out someone you know uses the chat lines. You can really build your relationship and perhaps move it into a different phrase. Since you share being on the chat lines and meeting new people this way, you could talk about your individual experiences. You can talk about how much you have learned about yourself and others through the chat lines. You can also keep it to a short conversation or only speak about specific things.
No matter who you meet on the chat lines, you and your phone partner can make your own rules and boundaries and speak within the parameter that both of you comfortable with. You can be creative or talk about simple things, like the weather.
That’s really the thing about using the chat lines, you can honestly speak about whatever you want. It could range from shared interests, personal stories and experiences, to fantasies. There are hundreds of single people on the chat lines ready to speak at all times of the day and night. So if you speak to someone who you know or otherwise and don’t feel like a genuine connection can be made, hang up the call and speak with someone else!