I’ve been married to the same woman for 40 years. We’ve been through our entire adult lives together, faced every challenge imaginable, and we’re still deeply in love and committed to one another.
I couldn’t be happier, except for one little area of our lives. Our sex life, or rather, the complete absence of a sex life.
See, my wife had a complete hysterectomy recently. Even though she’s on hormone replacement therapy, she just has no libido left. Doctors have informed us of all the options available to restore a normal, healthy sexual experience with each other, but with every effort, it just seems to make her push back even more. My friends have all told me that what we’re going through is natural, normal, and to just give it time. I have, but there’s been no change. Honestly, I don’t want to keep pressuring my wife – it isn’t fair to her – and I love and respect her far too much to even think about an affair. But even us “old geezers” still have needs.
So, one night I was up late. My wife had gone to bed hours earlier, and after a few drinks I was really in the mood. Knowing that waking her up to ask for something she didn’t want – even if she did give into me out of feelings of guilt or obligation – just wasn’t right. I’m too old to use the internet to browse through porn sites, and I’d probably end up getting a virus that my grandson would have to come over and fix. He’d know what I’d done, and I’d probably never hear the end of it, even though everyone would doubt that I would have ever surfed the net for sex. But the embarrassment, alone, would just compound the hurt and frustration.
I did enter a few keywords into the browser on my phone, though, and came across a link for a phone sex line! All I really wanted was to hear a sexy woman’s voice talking about how much she wanted and needed me – like my wife used to do. I was immediately connected with a real human being, and we shared an incredible night of intimate talk! Truly, it healed my heart, and made me feel like a man again – which was what I needed to keep up my strong, supportive, loving role while my wife went through the celibate role she needed.
I didn’t ever tell my wife about the phone sex. I know she’d understand, but that might be just another burden for her to bear. I’ve never called in again, either. But that one night, that very special and intimate Midlife crisis got you feeling down? Every one of your friends tells you that you don’t look your age, that the 40s are the new 30s, or that you keep getting better with each passing decade. But deep down inside, you’re definitely feeling your age. It seems like everytime you get out of bed, there’s some new creak in your joints, and you chide yourself for not investing in Big Pharma – because you’d make enough in returns to pay for the pain relieving products you’re buying from them today.
Even your wrinkles seem to have wrinkles, and you start thinking seriously about cosmetic surgery. But you have real financial responsibilities now, and there’s no way you could afford the time it would take to recover from a facelift or a boob job because you still have kids at home, or you’re in the prime of your career and time off is just not an option. You don’t even have time to update your wardrobe, let alone update your entire appearance!
These feelings definitely start to chip away at your feelings of confidence and attractiveness. Before you know it, you’re sucked into a routine of binge watching romantic comedies and telling your waistline to go to hell because you’re going to finish that quart of ice cream. You know you’ll regret it in the morning, but tonight it just feels good. And that’s all you want, really. Just to feel good, maybe even dare to feel sexy again (it’s been such a long while since you felt that way). So, how to start feeling sexy again, without having to dress up and face the mirror, along with all of your midlife aging issues??
Phone sex is your best friend right now! All you have to do is dial in, and you’ll be immediately connected with a sexy voice on the other end of the line! Build and explore your fantasies, and put aside that devil on your shoulder, because it’s totally anonymous and completely satisfying! No one’s judging you, or chiding you about being in a rut. There’s just that sexy, soothing voice on the other end, reminding you that you are a powerful sexual being, a goddess to be worshipped, because you’ve got a dirty mind that will make them come, too! Start enjoying your life again, and let phone sex heal what ails you! Just imagine the glow you’ll have tomorrow, after a great night of orgasmic fantasy!!!