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How to Pickup Older Women

If you’re a guy looking to pickup an older woman, you need to be careful. These women have a lot of experience...

Finding a Girlfriend – How to Make Friends With Women and Find a Girlfriend

If you want to find a girlfriend, you need to know where to start. There are lots of tips and tricks out...

Why Is Online Dating So Hard For Guys?

If you’re a guy, online dating can be really hard. But don’t give up! Online dating is actually pretty cool and it...

Hunting For Connections

Hunting for connections is a vital part of job search. Research shows that people get their jobs through weak ties: friends, neighbors...

How to Seduce Married Women Looking For Sex

Married women need sex as much as the next person, and they’re often looking for extra marital affairs. If you’re interested in...

Senior Gay Men and Relationships

The lives of older gay men are often filled with challenges. Many suffer from depression and contemplate suicide. Senior Gay Men and...