Category: Phone Chat


Objectification Theory, Fetish Clothing, and the Effects of Repeated Exposure to Sexy Clothing on Women

Fetish clothes can be a source of sex and arousal for both sexes. However, there are some misconceptions about sex and fetish...

Genres of Adult Sexual Stories

If you're looking for adult sexual stories online, you've probably wondered where to go. Genres of Adult Sexual Stories This article will...

Costs and Benefits of Sexual Selection

Sexual selection is a mode of natural selection whereby members of a biological sex choose mates from the opposite sex. As a...

True Sexual Stories

Have you ever wished you could have been able to experience true sexual stories like those featured in the magazine True Sexual...

How to Ask a Girl a Sexual Question

If you're thinking of asking your partner a sexual question, you're not alone. The same question can come up before, during, or...

Funny Sexual Positions

Whether you are looking for an exciting new position for sex or are just looking for a way to add humor to...

How to Use a Sexual Surprise to Turn Your Mate on

A sexual surprise is a great way to rekindle a relationship and make your partner happier. A woman's lust for her partner...

Online Sex Games For Long Distance Relationships

Whether your relationship is long-distance or not, there's nothing like a good role playing game to bond over. Online Sex Games For...

Three Misconceptions About Sexual Crossdressing

There are several common misconceptions surrounding the practice of sexual crossdressing, including fallacies about transvestite and transsexual fetishism, and the possibility that...

Sex Goddess Diaries – How to Become a Sexual Goddess

Sex Goddess Diaries is a workbook that will guide you into your own power and sexuality. The book is divided into sections:...